Soils & Compost
Whether you grow roses, radishes, or rhododendrons, you'll want to get your soil right first. We show you how to build healthy soil for an abundant garden year after year!
Learn how to choose the right potting soil and fertilizer for whatever you want to grow. Our exclusive garden-tested soils and fertilizers provide optimum growing conditions.
Layers of leaves, compost, newspaper, and cardboard provide the foundation for a nutrient-rich new garden bed.
After a summer of growing, fall is a great time to rebuild your soil!
How to enrich your soil with beneficial microorganisms that keep plants thriving, pest-free, and beautiful.
Our new and improved potting mixes contain mycorrhizae for healthier plants with up 35% higher yields compared to mixes without this beneficial fungi.
Trying to decipher all the letters, numbers, and terminology on the back of your bag of potting soil or fertilizer?
If your compost isn't cooking, review these tips to get things going again.
Leaves aren't "litter"! Keep leaves out of the landfill, and put them to work in your garden instead.
With some help from nutrient-rich compost and fertilizer, you can repurpose your potting soil.
Composting myths, busted! Creating rich compost is easier than you think.
Turn your kitchen scraps and yard waste into gardener's gold! We walk you through composting basics.
Check out this quick and simple test to determine if you have sandy soil, or clay, or loam.
Yes, worms can make great indoor pets — as long as they're making compost.
World history, sustainability and vermiculture. It may sound like an unlikely combination, but to the students in Patty Brushett's history class, it makes perfect sense.
Our garden-tested potting mixes are formulated to guarantee great results.
Learn how to use coffee grounds in your compost bin.
Learn what you need to build healthy soil for a flourishing garden.
Compost tea, a potent, microbial elixir will invigorate your garden with beneficial microbes that will reduce disease problems, ward off pests, and boost plant vigor.
Eager to compost but not sure what bin is right for you? We help you choose the best composter for the job.
Need compost in a hurry? Here are a few things you can do to speed your decomposers along.
Get (compost) rich quick! Batch composting lets you save up your raw materials in separate piles until you have enough for one big batch.
Batch composting is the fastest and most efficient way to produce high quality compost, and our Dual-Batch tumbler makes it easy.
At Gardener's Supply, we believe that healthy soils are the foundation for healthy gardens, healthy people, and a healthy planet.
Sheet mulching converts grass to a nutrient-rich garden bed, ready for planting. We show you how!
Bundle up and keep breaking down! Here are some tips to keep composting all winter long.
Cover crops feed your soil AND help block out weeds — what is not to love? Learn how to use cover crops in your garden.
Get ready to make heaps of rich, finished compost! Learn how to compost with a multi-bin system.
[Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of three blog posts featuring excerpts from Lisa Steele’s book, Gardening with Chickens: Plans and Plants for You and Your Hens. Read the first post on Getting Started and the second post on Garden Pest Control.]
Learn how to turn fall leaves into a soil-enriching mulch.
What to do with all those fall leaves? Shred them and then rebuild your garden soil with them!
How to make the most of one of nature's free soil builders.
A self-described "leaf rescuer" takes unwanted leaves from neighbors, and turns them into a season-extending mulch.