Container Gardening
One gardener's quest to overcome diabetic neuropathy has led her to gardening right on her deck.
Growing veggies and fruits in bags is not a new idea - but we made a few tweaks to make our Grow Bags durable, breathable, and well, just better.
๐๐ฑ Ready to grow your own pumpkins? Learn how you can successfully do it in a pot!
Think of the straw bale as a large container with a volume of 40 gallons. As the straw begins to break down, it turns into a rich, compostable planter that's ideal for growing vegetables.
Growing a small garden is not as easy as it looks. Choose the right plants and the right containers and you'll have a bountiful harvest.
Watch this video and learn about the award-winning VegTrug -- a convenient, all-in-one growing container.
Pots? Planters?
One Gardener's Supply employee introduces the basics of bonsai, which combines horticultural techniques with ancient aesthetics.
How to successfully grow plants in containers -- indoors and out.
With well-designed, innovative pots, planters, and containers, you can cultivate a healthy, freshest-ever harvest, just steps from your kitchen.
Using our Grow Bags, you can grow a crop of crisp, sweet carrots right in a container.
Learn how to keep your hanging baskets and containers thriving all summer long in this short video.
Get ancient, hand-hewn, rock garden vibes with your own hypertufa planter. Hypertufa containers are perfect for alpines, succulents, mosses and even tiny evergreens.
Watch how to assemble one of our most popular elevated planters.
Although cucumbers have sprawling vines, you can grow them in containers. The key is to choose a compact variety and train those vines up a trellis.
We visited a remote-working engineer who gardens on his Chicago balcony to learn more about the challenges of urban gardening.
Watch and learn how to assemble our best-selling elevated planter.