Search Results

Your search for "Grow Bag" returned 23 products and 7 articles
  • Watch: Tomato Grow Bag Kit
    Our Tomato Grow Bag lets you grow delicious tomatoes in just one square foot!
  • Grow Carrots in a Grow Bag
    Using our Grow Bags, you can grow a crop of crisp, sweet carrots right in a container.
  • The Melon Bag
    πŸ‰πŸŒ± Grow your own delicious melons with our innovative grow melon bag! Easy setup and maintenance, perfect for any home gardener.
  • How to Grow Sweet Potatoes
    Learn how to grow sweet potatoes in garden beds, raised beds, or our Potato Grow Bags.
  • How to Grow Potatoes in Containers
    Start potato farming in your backyard today! πŸ₯” Learn how to grow potatoes in our convenient Potato Grow Bag or any other container.
  • Carrots in a Grow Bag
    What can you grow in a Grow Bag? As we discovered in our test gardens this summer, almost anything!
  • Why Our Grow Bags are Better
    Growing veggies and fruits in bags is not a new idea - but we made a few tweaks to make our Grow Bags durable, breathable, and well, just better.