Seed Ball Tips

Seed balls on a tray

Seed Balls are a fun, incredibly easy way to get seeds started. They also make excellent gifts!

  • Do not bury Seed Balls
  • Do not break up the balls, they are more successful if kept intact
  • Place in an area with full sun and well-drained soil
  • Keep Seed Balls moist until sprouts begin to grow. When placed in windowboxes, planters or hanging baskets keep a close watch on water needs.

Seed Balls can be placed in container gardens or directly in the garden. Drop them 8 to 12 inches apart. Each ball covers approximately 1 square foot. Germination time is 7-30 days. Seed Balls remain dormant until they are sufficiently watered and outside temperatures have warmed enough for germination.

Some varieties are perennial, so they'll return year after year. To protect the plant, add mulch before the first frost and remove after the last frost.

Last updated: 06/20/2024