Slug-Resistant Plants

One way to beat slugs is to plant things they don't like. Here are some of the most slug-resistant plants. For more ideas, check with your local garden center or your Master Gardener program: State and Provincial Master Gardener Programs.
- Ajuga (bugleweed)
- Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle)
- Alyssum
- Arabis
- Armeria (thrift)
- Artemisia
- Anemone (fall-blooming types)
- Aquilegia (columbine)
- Astilbe
- Astrantia (masterwort)
- Aubretia
- Bergenia
- Crocosmia
- Dianthus
- Euphorbia
- Ferns
- Fuchsia
- Geranium (cranesbill)
- Grasses (ornamental types)
- Helleborus (hellebore)
- Hemerocallis (daylily)
- Heuchera (coral bells)
- Hydrangea
- Iris
- Lavandula (lavender)
- Narcissus (daffodil)
- Paeonia (peony)
- Pelargonium (annual geranium)
- Penstemon
- Phlox
- Potentilla
- Rosa (rose)
- Sedum
- Tulipa (tulip)
- Vinca (Vinca minor, V. major)

Last updated: 07/26/2023
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